Serpentine Heritage and Culture Trail 2012/13
Project completed
Community members viewing the one of the four interpretive plaque/artworks in Wellard Street, Serpentine
Serpentine Heritage and Culture Trail 2012 took place in the
south west Australian rural town of Serpentine and began in 2008, when Mrs Myra Baldwin a member of the Serpentine Historical Society contacted me on recommendation of previous work I had been involved in. During my initial meeting with Myra at the Serpentine Cemetery Myra informed me that the Historical Society had the desire to enhance the visitor appeal to the location and had sought my help to make it happen. The Society had an idea to do something that was long lasting, engaging and decorative and there began a 5 year journey that encompassed considerable community consultation and aesthetic challenge, concluding in 2013 with the installation of artworks within the environs of the Serpentine Cemetery and main Street of the Serpentine Town - Wellard Street.
The project began as a visual arts based community project, consisting of various project partners including the Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire, Serpentine Primary School, Serpentine PCYC and the Serpentine Historical Society. The primary focus of the project was to add some appeal to the Niche Wall of the Cemetery which had significant historical and cultural value to the local and wider community.
I collaborated with Gloria Kearing, a Nyungar artist whom I had previously collaborated with on various projects in the past. The outcomes of the first stage can be found on earlier posts of this blog.
During 2012 and
2013 Gloria and I began the follow-on process of being lead artists and community facilitators in working with community
members in the design and making of community artworks and interpretive plaques
that sought to highlight heritage and culture values of the Serpentine community. These artworks and interpretive plaques now
form the foundation of the Serpentine Heritage and Culture Trail.
Two main areas were of primary focus: The Serpentine Cemetery and Wellard Street Serpentine.

Community members viewing another of the four interpretive plaque/artworks installed in Wellard Street
notion of producing artworks within a cemetery not connected with any head
stone or mausoleum is at odds with the sacred nature of the cemetery area and
the act of imposing artworks within that space presented an inspiring challenge especially
in terms of general aesthetic appeal and how one deals with unnecessary
decoration or personal artistic expression.
challenge required that a profound sense of humility and integration be
employed by the artists in working with community members to develop, design
and make the artworks for the cemetery.
It was not the place of the artists to impose an aesthetic upon the
community, but rather to expose and refine the collective aesthetic that had
developed from a grass roots level. The
final artworks were very successful in achieving the aim of “reflecting a sense
of place”.
Serpentine Cemetery is a designated bushland forever site 371 and has many old
graves. The artists worked with
Historical Society and community members to design artworks that were reflective
of the unique identity of the Cemetery.
The cemetery has 2 dedicated volunteers that have worked tirelessly to
beautify the area; they also are members of the Cemetery Community Committee. During the time of designing and developing
the artworks, draft design presentations were made to the Cemetery Community
Committee seeking feedback and endorsement.
All endorsed design proposals were then presented to the Serpentine
Historical Society for final approval before commencement of art making.

A decorative central gate for the
Niche Wall was also designed and installed to complement the entry to the
cemetery area. The gate functions to
provide an enhanced sense of ceremony and respect in entering the cemetery and
is accompanied by four decorative panels that have been installed close to the
start and finish of the new access pathway linking the Niche Wall area to the
Cemetery Burial Plot area.
By facilitating a process of project
engagement and research with community members, the artists were able to
effectively work with community members in generating the content for artwork
designs. Initial designs were presented as drafts for further development and subsequently molded to ensure the
resulting artworks reflected the sensitivities of the community and achieved a
sense of respect for their intended location.

project generated some interesting and challenging outcomes that were not
initially expected. One of the first
challenges presented to the project was the need to clarify some of the spaces
within the cemetery area. These spaces
included the course of pedestrian entry into the cemetery through the existing
central gateway of the Niche Wall, then through an area of remnant vegetation
and into the burial plot area. The area
that lay between the Niche Wall and the Burial Plot sections of the cemetery is
predominantly natural bush/remnant vegetation and was being degraded by
uncontrolled public access. Numerous
informal pathways had formed over time and these were endangering the integrity
of the area.
solution to the problem required that a permanent pathway be designed to link the
two spaces and provide a formal access route through the area of remnant
vegetation so that it could be successfully regenerated. Before the laying of the pathway began, a
plant count was required to identify and reduce the impact of the pathway upon the
flora. A design was developed that
provided minimal impact to the existing flora whilst incorporating elements
that were reflective of the location.
The final design for the pathway allowed it to meander through the
vegetative area with a somewhat “Serpentine” quality, not unlike the flow of
the nearby Serpentine River.
John and Dave from the Serpentine Jarrahdale Shire laid the pathway
pathway once completed, presented another more aesthetic challenge in how its
new concrete surface would visually impact with the existing aged concrete surface
of the Niche Wall area. The inspiration of local flora and fauna were
considered in consultation with community members in an effort to identify
appropriate reference material and content for the development of a design that
could effectively be utilised to link these two surfaces together.
surface of the pathway was subsequently embellished with a design inspired by
the feathers of the Emu. The final
design was engraved into the new and existing concrete surface and successfully
achieved its aim, whilst remaining subdued and non-obtrusive.

The Niche wall ends have been
enhanced with the installation of 64 hand painted tiles by students of the
Serpentine Primary School and community members. The primary school students were buddied-up
and shared a tile between two students and asked to express something about the
cemetery, either the recognition of a family member/s buried within the
cemetery or an aspect of the diversity of flora and fauna found within the
cemetery environs.
The process provided
some very interesting outcomes in the way the students dealt with the challenge
of collaboration with one another and how their images could be translated within
the constraints of the tile area. Some students
chose to delineate the tile area into clear sections whilst others unified
their images into a cohesive design that allowed each student’s input to be
recognised and expressed in a highly imaginative manner. All the hand painted tiles produced by the
students were very successful.