“Turning Graffiti into Art” – 2012,
Woodanilling, Western Australia
Where is Woodanilling http://www.woodanilling.wa.gov.au/
or as it is known to those in the know “Woody”?
Woody is a small rural community in the Great Southern area of Western Australia, it has a diverse population of approximately 423 within an area of 1,126 square kilometres. If the place for you is somewhere with a small and friendly community, away from the maddening crowds, a place with a sense of pride, determination and safety, then Woody could be the place for you?
Farmland around Woodaniling
During October 2012, I spent 2 weeks living and
working in the community, helping to facilitate the painting of the local skate
park and artworks for display as an outdoor gallery.
The project was funded by the Office of Crime
Prevention and the Shire of Woodanilling and made possible with the help of
local residents, Vanessa, Penny, Danielle, Wendy, Andrea and Annabel.
It was an amazing and quite intense experience
that involved workshopping a theme and design for the skate park and the painting
of individual art panels to be showcased in the park setting as a permanent
outdoor gallery. Essentially the
project was focused upon highlighting the value and benefits of legal art
making as opposed to the illegal activity of graffiti vandalism. Importantly, the participants were required
to work collaboratively in determining the theme, content and colours for the
skate park ramps. During the workshop
process all participants were encouraged to contribute their ideas no matter
what they might be, with a “no put down” and “respect for each other” ethos
maintained throughout.
The project was divided into 2 stages.
Stage One: The design and painting of the skate
park ramps by local youth and residents.
Day one involved a design workshop 9:00am- 4:00pm at the Woodanilling
Recreation Centre (a great venue in walking distance to the skate park). Throughout the day the participants worked
together in determining a theme that would unify the ramps, choosing relevant content
to be included and considerations of colour in relation to the orientation of
the ramps to the sun (north facing surfaces would require restricting the
amount of red used to ensure longevity of images).
Danielle, the Wagin – Woodanilling Landcare
Zone Manager was keen to highlight the natural fauna and fauna of the area and
made a presentation to the participants during the initial design workshop.
The Red Tailed Phascogale is a really cute
little creature, once wide spread over Australia and now restricted to Woodanilling
and surrounding areas. It’s not
surprising that it captured everyone’s imagination and set the theme of the skate
park. Unfortunately, like many indigenous flora and fauna since farming began, the Red Tailed Phascogale is now an endangered species http://www.australianfauna.com/redtailedphascogale.php
Day Two – Seven involved the painting of the
ramps. The concrete surfaces of the skate
ramps were sealed with a suitable primer before painting began with an exterior
high grade gloss acrylic used to paint the images, different images were chosen
and then scaled up onto the skate ramps, outlined in black and painted (in some
wild colours!). Everyone enjoyed the
process and we were fortunate to have excellent weather during the
project. The following images show the painting in
(L-R) Destiny, Riley, Harmony and Kyiesha

Eidann and Ryelan

Destiny and Riley
Ryelan, Eidann, Tahni and Vanessa

James and Rafferty

Harmony, Destiny, Ryelan, and Kane
Ramp number two
The Grey Kangaroo, Frog, Butterfly and Dragonfly look
Angel working on her design
Tahlia helping Hugh put the finishing touches
Ryelan and Chloe putting some paint down
Mya using Conte pastels
Destiny and Harmony
Mya and Jasmain
Tannah working on her amazing artwork
Traditional art materials were used for the design
and painting of the art panels for the outdoor gallery these included Atelier
Interactive artist grade acrylic, series 1-4, Derwent graphic pencils B-9B, Conte
Pastels and Progresso compressed coloured graphite. The art materials were specifically chosen to
introduce the participants to high quality artist grade materials and to
provide them with the maximum scope in developing their images.
The following images demonstrate the creative
talents of the participants.
Ryelan's painting (with help from Harmony and Chloe)
Chloe and Jasmain's painting
Destiny and Harmony's painting
Eidann's painting
Group painting No 1
Harmony's painting
Hugh's painting
Kane and Vanessa's painting
Mya's painting
Ryelan's painting (with help from Harmony and Chloe)
Shaun, James and Penny's painting
Tahlia's painting
Tahni and Ella's painting
Tannah's painting
Thank you to everyone involved, the project was
a tremendous success. The project was
made possible with the support of the Office of Crime Prevention
and the Shire
of Woodanilling